Friday, December 19, 2008


The SIG that I participate in is ‘Analyst World’. The reason why I choose the Analyst World was that I was very interested in financial area and Korean economy was affected by America economy as well as the world economy. I thought that it’s very a good method to share information with foreign people who were form variety of counties in order to estimate a level of Korean economy and forecast Korean economy.
I expected that there would be many kinds of sources and information from many people and I could discuss current financial issues with foreign people, especially with American analysts who were working in the Wall Street. Also I hoped that I could forecast with them not only future economy of the United State of America but also Korean economy.
However, I disappointed because most members in the Analyst World were just students who wanted to be analysts. I could not find any member who served useful information or opinions about financial field even though in the time, there was a big problem, financial crisis in U.S as well as in the world.
Moreover, another bad thing in the SIG was that there were too many advertisements in the SIG. Sometimes there were more advertisements that messages about financial problem.
I tried to find another SIG in which there are lots of information about economy and finance, but I have failed.


I think that podcast from Apple co. is useful and efficient to learn English, especially listening. I choose several podcasts such as Bloomberg news, Wall Street Journal, Stuff you should know, Financial Times Economist and extra like about financial area in order to learn English and Update Financial news. Podcast that I focuse on are Bloomberg podcast, daily podcast, in which one man is talking about economic issue with a professional person, usually though phone and Stuff you should know in which two guys are talking about a topic which covers many fields and is getting a big issue in USA.
If I have to select just one podcast that I like, I will introduce you Stuff you should know. The most recent episode of Stuff You Should Know is about what can be done with a dead body. In the episode, you can check out that from transforming into a gem to being shot space, modern technology has created a multitude of possible destinations for the bodies of the deceased.
Several weeks ago, they used to be talking about financial crisis in the world when Lehman Brothers went to bankruptcy and that caused a big problem in the USA as well as in the world. When there was the election of the Unite State of America’s president, they were talking about who were Obama and Mckaine and how a result of the election would affect to the Unite State of America.
I am sure that this podcast is not boring even though that kind of podcasts are usually formal and too informative like news. There are jokes and private stuff of two guys such as their wives and Christmas plan. Therefore, I can strongly recommend this podcast for your English and knowledge if you have nothing special with your computer and want to learn English.
This is URL:

Key pal

My key pal is Natalya Danilova, who is from Italy and working in France as an IT engineer. I met her on the penpalworld. I was searching hot girls as key pal. I could find several girls on penpalworld and I posted a message that I was Inki, a Korean guy and asking if you would like to be my friend. She was only one who replied and emailed to me. She was finding foreign friends in order to experience foreign culture indirectly since she was very interested in those things. She has been familiar with Korean people because she noticed that Korean guys and girls were studying abroad, mostly in the USA and in the U.K. One of our common things which both we are interested in is sleeping. Also, we would like to play sports. Actually, she was a volleyball player when she was 14 to 17.
She is working in Milan. I have been to Milan when I was traveling around the Europe. Therefore we could talk about Milan as well as Italy. She is very kind and well-Eglish speaker. At the time that I found her as keypal, I worried whether or nor she could have good English but It was my mistake. She has good English and better than me, I guess, so we could communicate easily in English though we even don’t know each other and never meet.
We are exchanging email once or twice in a week. I know that it’s not quiet frequent but I believe that we can keep in touch in the long term.
Email from Natalya
Here I am :)
It's easily explained. It's been days and days now that I've been struggling with my laptop. Only yesterday I managed to resolve the problem. But as soon as I did it, I had to work as crazy to catch up with my work projects. In fact, I'm still working :( and more projects arrived.

:) It wasn't hard to guess your e-mail :D lol I've been using computer for more nearly 14 years now. Anyway on PPW you CAN insert your e-mail if you are writing in private, but you can't do it on a message board :)
Wow, investment field - that's such a reponsability. Do you like IT? This type of job? Why do I ask? Because for me people working in finance, banking and legal fields are aliens :) I don't know how to explain it. I somehow admire them. I guess I'm unable to get interested in something that is numerical, not-creative, too analytical. And that's why I admire those people who are good at it.
In other words - I'm your complete opposite :D creative, love communication and working with people, but also logical.

I love sleeping too, but, what a strange thing, I sleep very little and work too much. I guess I love this way of life. But sleeping in a waaaaarm place on a soft pillow, with no noise around is absolutely marvellous!!!
What sports do you practice? I used to play volleyball when I was 14-17 but then I left the sports school because my height wasn't suitable and I had to move to anothe city.

So you've been to Italy? :) I live in Catania (Sicily) at the moment, but in January I'll be moving to Milan as it's better for business. I feel more freedom there, to move around, to invent, to create. Freedom for everything. I guess when you live in a huge business city, like Milan or Moscow, you give the best of yourself, you can use your full potential.
Sicily is a place to relax instead. I feel like in a cage here.

If you want to know more about me, ask questions :) lol I'm sure you know how hard it is for a person to speak of oneself. :) Just ask.

Take Care, gotta go back to work.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Profile_Inki Cho

Who am I? Who is Inki? Those are both difficult questions.
My name is Inki Cho. I was born in 1982 in Korea. If you are interested in Korean culture, you can understand what sons mean for their families and how important role they have to take in. I am only a son through five generations in my family and I have three sisters. If I say like this, everybody will think that I have been taken care of by my parents and family. That’s obviously true but I want to tell them that you can’t imagine how much duties I have had for my family and myself since I was born.
I have wanted to do everything very well for my whole life. I have wanted win in the most fields that I have been interested in and I have had to do in, which caused for me to generate many conflicts with my friends and my family, I guess.
Do you have any priority in you life? Yes, I have. My favorite thing is sleeping in a warm bed. Second one is soccer, watching and playing both. I like sports. As I mentioned before, I always want to win in every areas. That made me to play sports very well and play almost sports such as soccer, basketball, swimming, scuba-diving, tennis, skiing, snowboarding and so on. I also like to read cartoons and watch TV and films. Oh! Films are necessary to demonstrate myself. My favorite film is Notting hill obviously. I like love with beautiful girls. I just want to feel thrilling emotion and know unfamiliar people. Actually, I have met many girls, sometimes several girls at the same time. However, more girls I meet, it makes me more feel like losing myself. I don’t want to do that but I can’t understand why I have done same things.
What do I want to be? I just want to be a free man, real freedom. I want nobody touch me and concern nothing in my life. I don’t want to be belonged to anywhere and just travel around the world, around myself around my friends and around my family. In order to be like that my plan is to make 10m dollars within 10years hopefully. That’s why I choose to work in finance area.

In Paris

Our team members were gathered fortunately at correct time 8am although I worried someone to be late. I check my luggage and entered to take the flight to Paris with our team members. However, after we entered and faced duty free shops, Jarang who really likes shopping as all most girls started shopping ignoring us so we wouldn’t take the flight. She seemed to be almost crazy concentrating all her attention on shopping.
It was the first time that I took a first class seat in my life. I really shocked how wonderful the first class was. It was huge and comfortable and even air hostesses were more beautiful than others in economic class, I think. Meal for lunch was delicious. I was looking for some French girls around me in order to get some detail information about Pairs but I just confirmed that there were just old men and women in the first class.
We arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport at 2:30 pm. It was a long flight but without any rest we went to rent a car which was booked. After renting the car, we went to Novotel tour Eiffel which was near the tour Eiffel.
After we check in the most expensive rooms, we went to Montmarte. When we got off the car, there was a strange sound like 안녕하세요. I looked the site where the sound came from. A black guy stood there saying 안녕하세요 uncorretly in order to sell some souvenirs. We choose a painter in order to take our portraits and had great portraits.
After taking portraits, we went back to the hotel to dress up formally because next was taking Bateaux Mouches and formal dress was required. I could see a beautiful night watch having a wonderful dinner. Actually, it was difficult to choice menu. There were four or five options for main course, cheese, dessert and wine and extra. I didn’t know what those things were so I just choose same things that Junha choose. The cruise arrived back at 10:30 pm.
The final course in first day was clubbing. We went to club-Batofar imaging how hot girls there were in. Obviously, it was a paradise for me. There were so many hot girls around me and I was just regretting why I was born in Korea. If I was born in Paris, I would hang out with these girls everyday. The first day was ended with regretting.

I had to get up at 8:00am. Team members never concern about me when they made our schedule because it’s really hard for me to wake up early in the morning. I usually wake up 11 or 12 in the afternoon unless I have any particular event. Last day, the final course was clubbing. Actually, I don’t like to be in noisy spot like club or concert hall but in the club last night, there were so many beautiful, sexy and pretty girls around me as I mentioned before. I guess that I was totally exhausted in the night with girls. That’s why I couldn’t wake up with other members. When I got up difficultly, the only thing that I could see was a message on which there were some words; After you get up, call me. Oh my god! I was alone in the room. Others already went out without me. How did they do that?
I took a shower and called them to meet them. They were aimed at the Musse d’Orsay. I went there but I was not happy because next one was museum and worse thing was that that was a museum for painting. Oh my god!! I never feel moved or happy when I face painting. I just feel and think what? What? Whenever I face paintings even it is really famous one. I just followed members and just pretended to be happy or moved like others. Well. That’s kind of a way that I live with people in this society.
After the museum, we went to the Notre dame de Paris. It’s was my style fortunately. It’s gorgeous and lovely even it’s old-fashioned but it made itself more impressive. I am not catholic but whenever I am in old-fashioned churches I just bow my head without automatically.
Finally, we were going to see soccer game which is my second favorite thing in my life. Moreover, there was Park, Jooyoung in A.S. Monaco. I was really proud of him and the fact that I was a Korean.
The hard time came again which was the fact that I had to wake up early. I never understood why our team had to get up early. Travel was not training but just taking some time to travel around, look back at you and take some rest. Anyway, I did. I woke up early as they wanted me to do. We went to have a breakfast but it was like sand or shit. T.T
First one in the third day was Centre Pompidou, one of the best modern arts museum in the world. Museum again? Oh my god. I never understood why there were too many museums and why people wanted to visit museum during their trip. However, I also pretended to feel moved, happy and those emotional feeling as others did because I wanted to hang out with others. However Kyungjoon was really brave. He told us that I didn’t like museum. Oh my goodness. I was pretty jealous of him. He didn’t do what he didn’t want to do.
Next one was a museum again, Musee Picasso. T.T I don’t want mention about that. I am totally tired of recalling about museums anymore. I can tell you that I am a timid person because I also pretended as I did before.
Lunch time!!! My favorite food…. McDonald…. I had, of course, a big mac set, my favorite one in McDonald. It’s was lovely. It would be more lovely because that’s right after museums that I hated.
We went to Bois de Boulogne and met Kyngjoon, a brave man. We just took a walk. Suddenly, Jarang said that she wanted some drug. Oh my god!!! I was wondering whether she took some drug before or not. She just wanted to take a chance having drug? Or she really liked to feel high and stone. These days, young girls are really fearful I and my generation didn’t live like recent young people.
Dinner was at Jules Berne located on the second floor of Eiffel Tower. I had wonderful night watch. It was beautiful. I never forget the night watch that I saw at that time.

Finally, the last day was begun. I don’t need to tell you anymore that it was also hard time to get up early. Also, the thing that made me wake early was that the last day was for shopping by Jarang. T.T
We went to Saint-Quen which is the most famous flea market in Paris. Although it was quiet early morning, the market was so crowded so I concluded that there are lots of girls and women like Jarnag. Kyungjun, a brave man as I mentioned before, disappeared suddenly. I have to add his nickname, a stupid man. :D Fortunately, he came back in about 30minutes.
We started to walk along with Champs Elysees road as Jarang wanted. I don’t understand why girls like shopping and there are so many 된장녀들 who like luxury items. Furthermore, We went to some café. I felt as I was 된장녀. I needed some Kimchi.
After we took some rest in a café, we went to Arc de Triomphe which was very huge and impressive. Junha explained that the triumphal arch is for honoring people who fought for France, especially soldiers who fought in the Napoleonic Wars. I was thinking if there are similar stuff in Korea and I reflected that I didn’t know much about Korea.
We went back to the hotel to pick up our baggage. Finally, we headed to the airport to take a flight to Korea, my sweet home.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I like sleeping, snowboarding, scuba-diving.....
I hate busy things, working.....
That's exatly who I am.