Friday, December 19, 2008

Key pal

My key pal is Natalya Danilova, who is from Italy and working in France as an IT engineer. I met her on the penpalworld. I was searching hot girls as key pal. I could find several girls on penpalworld and I posted a message that I was Inki, a Korean guy and asking if you would like to be my friend. She was only one who replied and emailed to me. She was finding foreign friends in order to experience foreign culture indirectly since she was very interested in those things. She has been familiar with Korean people because she noticed that Korean guys and girls were studying abroad, mostly in the USA and in the U.K. One of our common things which both we are interested in is sleeping. Also, we would like to play sports. Actually, she was a volleyball player when she was 14 to 17.
She is working in Milan. I have been to Milan when I was traveling around the Europe. Therefore we could talk about Milan as well as Italy. She is very kind and well-Eglish speaker. At the time that I found her as keypal, I worried whether or nor she could have good English but It was my mistake. She has good English and better than me, I guess, so we could communicate easily in English though we even don’t know each other and never meet.
We are exchanging email once or twice in a week. I know that it’s not quiet frequent but I believe that we can keep in touch in the long term.
Email from Natalya
Here I am :)
It's easily explained. It's been days and days now that I've been struggling with my laptop. Only yesterday I managed to resolve the problem. But as soon as I did it, I had to work as crazy to catch up with my work projects. In fact, I'm still working :( and more projects arrived.

:) It wasn't hard to guess your e-mail :D lol I've been using computer for more nearly 14 years now. Anyway on PPW you CAN insert your e-mail if you are writing in private, but you can't do it on a message board :)
Wow, investment field - that's such a reponsability. Do you like IT? This type of job? Why do I ask? Because for me people working in finance, banking and legal fields are aliens :) I don't know how to explain it. I somehow admire them. I guess I'm unable to get interested in something that is numerical, not-creative, too analytical. And that's why I admire those people who are good at it.
In other words - I'm your complete opposite :D creative, love communication and working with people, but also logical.

I love sleeping too, but, what a strange thing, I sleep very little and work too much. I guess I love this way of life. But sleeping in a waaaaarm place on a soft pillow, with no noise around is absolutely marvellous!!!
What sports do you practice? I used to play volleyball when I was 14-17 but then I left the sports school because my height wasn't suitable and I had to move to anothe city.

So you've been to Italy? :) I live in Catania (Sicily) at the moment, but in January I'll be moving to Milan as it's better for business. I feel more freedom there, to move around, to invent, to create. Freedom for everything. I guess when you live in a huge business city, like Milan or Moscow, you give the best of yourself, you can use your full potential.
Sicily is a place to relax instead. I feel like in a cage here.

If you want to know more about me, ask questions :) lol I'm sure you know how hard it is for a person to speak of oneself. :) Just ask.

Take Care, gotta go back to work.


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