Friday, December 19, 2008


The SIG that I participate in is ‘Analyst World’. The reason why I choose the Analyst World was that I was very interested in financial area and Korean economy was affected by America economy as well as the world economy. I thought that it’s very a good method to share information with foreign people who were form variety of counties in order to estimate a level of Korean economy and forecast Korean economy.
I expected that there would be many kinds of sources and information from many people and I could discuss current financial issues with foreign people, especially with American analysts who were working in the Wall Street. Also I hoped that I could forecast with them not only future economy of the United State of America but also Korean economy.
However, I disappointed because most members in the Analyst World were just students who wanted to be analysts. I could not find any member who served useful information or opinions about financial field even though in the time, there was a big problem, financial crisis in U.S as well as in the world.
Moreover, another bad thing in the SIG was that there were too many advertisements in the SIG. Sometimes there were more advertisements that messages about financial problem.
I tried to find another SIG in which there are lots of information about economy and finance, but I have failed.

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