Monday, December 8, 2008

Profile_Inki Cho

Who am I? Who is Inki? Those are both difficult questions.
My name is Inki Cho. I was born in 1982 in Korea. If you are interested in Korean culture, you can understand what sons mean for their families and how important role they have to take in. I am only a son through five generations in my family and I have three sisters. If I say like this, everybody will think that I have been taken care of by my parents and family. That’s obviously true but I want to tell them that you can’t imagine how much duties I have had for my family and myself since I was born.
I have wanted to do everything very well for my whole life. I have wanted win in the most fields that I have been interested in and I have had to do in, which caused for me to generate many conflicts with my friends and my family, I guess.
Do you have any priority in you life? Yes, I have. My favorite thing is sleeping in a warm bed. Second one is soccer, watching and playing both. I like sports. As I mentioned before, I always want to win in every areas. That made me to play sports very well and play almost sports such as soccer, basketball, swimming, scuba-diving, tennis, skiing, snowboarding and so on. I also like to read cartoons and watch TV and films. Oh! Films are necessary to demonstrate myself. My favorite film is Notting hill obviously. I like love with beautiful girls. I just want to feel thrilling emotion and know unfamiliar people. Actually, I have met many girls, sometimes several girls at the same time. However, more girls I meet, it makes me more feel like losing myself. I don’t want to do that but I can’t understand why I have done same things.
What do I want to be? I just want to be a free man, real freedom. I want nobody touch me and concern nothing in my life. I don’t want to be belonged to anywhere and just travel around the world, around myself around my friends and around my family. In order to be like that my plan is to make 10m dollars within 10years hopefully. That’s why I choose to work in finance area.

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